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Visitanos: Calle Real 475 - Huancayo (frente al Parque Constituci�n) - Edificio de la Casa del Artesano
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"He who knows nothing doubts nothing."

Los Huancas (Antiguos Pobladores)
::: The Huancas (Old Citizens) :::

"Huallallo Carhuancho"
The natives of this place were called "Huancas", their principal god was "Huallallo Carhuancho". Accordingly to some historiographers, natives were dedicated exclusively to agricultural activities because of the propitious conditions of the land that were next to the river.

Their houses were built using stones that were joined with mud, these houses were peculiar because their bases were rounded, and had thatched and wooden roofs. Each town had a curaca who was the leader of the town.

The same way as in other places parents were the ones who chose the husband for their daugthers, but there were many cases in which the girls were kidnapped and this was the cause for many disputes among towns.

Their religious ceremonies were especially dedicated to their Universal god called "Apu Kon Ticse Wiracocha" (The almighty lord); to "Huallallo Carhuancho" tutelar god, who was represented by the snowed mountain "Huaytapallana", and to "Wamani" another tutelar god who was represented by hills and lands.

Huancas considered dogs as very special pets and good partnership so they treated them well and when they were buried there were ceremonies and just in very special cases they were sacrified to their gods.

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