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"God could not be everywhere and therefore he made mothers."

Centro Cívico - Plaza Huamanmarca
::: Civic Center - Huamanmarca Square :::

Civic Center
Mainly parts of this civic center are (1) Municipality of Huancayo, (2) Municipal Cliseo and (3) Huamanmarca park.

The name of this park comes from two quechua words "Huamán", that means Falcon and "Marca", which means Place. Here took place Huancayo's foundation as a town on June 1st in 1572, that is why this park is considered the oldest one in the city.

Around this park there are some of the most important public ad private institutions such as the post office - Serpost, the municipal coliseo, Municipality of Huancayo, the tourist hotel, etc.

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